Average Cost of Revenue Comparison Among Selected Companies

Johnson & Johnson's Cost of Revenue Dominates

Company NameSymbolAverage Cost of Revenue
Johnson & JohnsonJNJ3530093630.5732484
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Unlocking the unknown

A Deep Dive into the Cost of Revenue for Leading Pharmaceutical Giants

Understanding the Financial Landscape

In the ever-evolving pharmaceutical industry, understanding the cost of revenue is crucial for investors and stakeholders. This metric provides insight into the direct costs associated with the production of goods sold by a company. Our analysis focuses on some of the industry's titans: Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co, Pfizer, Roche, Novo Nordisk, and Gilead.

Key Insights

Johnson & Johnson Leads the Pack

Johnson & Johnson, symbolized as JNJ, stands out with an average cost of revenue of approximately $3.52 billion. This figure underscores the company's significant investment in producing its wide array of healthcare products. The high cost reflects the company's extensive operations and commitment to quality.

Missing Data for Other Companies

While Johnson & Johnson's data is robust, it's important to note that the dataset lacks complete information for the other companies. This absence highlights the need for more comprehensive data collection to enable a full comparison across the industry.


The cost of revenue is a vital indicator of a company's operational efficiency and market position. Johnson & Johnson's leading figure showcases its dominance and the scale of its operations. As the pharmaceutical industry continues to grow, keeping an eye on these financial metrics will be essential for making informed investment decisions.

Published by
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

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Date published
6 Sept 2024