Research and Development Investment: Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. vs Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Ionis vs. Catalyst: A Decade of R&D Investment

__timestampCatalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Wednesday, January 1, 201410117774241751000
Thursday, January 1, 201511801342322292000
Friday, January 1, 201611369941344320000
Sunday, January 1, 201711375237374644000
Monday, January 1, 201819919204414604000
Tuesday, January 1, 201918842752466000000
Wednesday, January 1, 202016496715535000000
Friday, January 1, 202116936000643000000
Saturday, January 1, 202219789000833000000
Sunday, January 1, 202393150000899625000
Monday, January 1, 2024901530000
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Unleashing insights

A Decade of R&D Investment: Ionis vs. Catalyst

In the competitive landscape of pharmaceuticals, research and development (R&D) is the lifeblood of innovation. Over the past decade, Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has consistently outpaced Catalyst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in R&D investment. From 2014 to 2023, Ionis increased its R&D spending by nearly 272%, reaching approximately $900 million in 2023. In contrast, Catalyst's R&D expenses grew by about 820%, but their total investment was still only around $93 million in 2023.

This stark difference highlights Ionis's commitment to pioneering advancements, while Catalyst's growth, though significant, remains modest in comparison. The data underscores the varying strategies of these companies in the ever-evolving pharmaceutical industry. As we look to the future, these investments will likely shape the trajectory of their innovations and market impact.

Published by
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

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Date published
17 Jan 2025