Financial Institutions
Mortgage Rate from 2015
Mortgage Rate from 2012
Yearly trend of total equity for each company
Trend of Interest Income for Apple, Google, Nvidia, and Netflix from 2015 to 2019
Groupon Revenues
Total Amazon Sales
Mortgage Rate from 2014
Yearly trend of total investments for each company
Yearly trend of net debt for each company
Yearly trend of total liabilities for each company
Mortgage Rate Trends from 2015
Yearly trend of total assets for top 5 companies with highest assets
Trend of Interest Income
Mortgage Rates in US
Trend of Interest Income
Mortgage Rate Trends
Trend of Interest Income
Mortgage Rates in US since 2012
Total Amazon Sales in Year 2021
Quarterly trend of average diluted earnings per share (EPS) for companies
Total Amazon Sales
Total patents filed in year 2020 in United States
Yearly trend of total assets for top 5 companies with highest assets
Total Amazon Sales
Total Amazon Sales
Trend of Interest Income
Trend of Interest Income
Trend of Interest Income
Mortgage Rate Since 2012
Mortgage Rate Trends from 2015
Yearly trend of total assets for each company
Quarterly trend of average net income ratio for companies
Mortgage Rate in US in Last Decade
US Mortgage Rate since 2010
Total Amazon Sales in Year 2022
Total Amazon Sales Across Years
Financial Instruments & Investments
Financial Services