Analyzing Cost of Revenue: Cytokinetics, Incorporated and CRISPR Therapeutics AG

Biotech Giants' Revenue Costs Soar Over a Decade

__timestampCRISPR Therapeutics AGCytokinetics, Incorporated
Wednesday, January 1, 2014151300044426000
Thursday, January 1, 20151257300046398000
Friday, January 1, 20164223800059897000
Sunday, January 1, 20176980000090296000
Monday, January 1, 201811377300089135000
Tuesday, January 1, 201917936200086125000
Wednesday, January 1, 202026940700096951000
Friday, January 1, 202117953000159938000
Saturday, January 1, 2022110250000240813000
Sunday, January 1, 2023130250000330123000
Monday, January 1, 2024-2314000
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Infusing magic into the data realm

Analyzing Cost of Revenue: A Tale of Two Biotech Innovators

In the dynamic world of biotechnology, understanding financial trends is crucial for investors and stakeholders. This analysis delves into the cost of revenue for two pioneering companies: Cytokinetics, Incorporated and CRISPR Therapeutics AG, from 2014 to 2023. Over this period, Cytokinetics has seen a remarkable increase in its cost of revenue, growing by approximately 643%, from $44 million in 2014 to $330 million in 2023. Meanwhile, CRISPR Therapeutics AG experienced a staggering 8,500% surge, starting at a modest $1.5 million in 2014 and reaching $130 million in 2023. This growth reflects the companies' expanding operations and investments in cutting-edge research. Notably, 2020 marked a peak year for CRISPR, with costs reaching $269 million, highlighting a significant investment phase. These trends underscore the evolving landscape of biotech innovation and the financial commitments required to drive groundbreaking advancements.

Published by
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

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Date published
17 Jan 2025